- Grand Resources: A Grandparent’s and Other Relative’s Guide to Raising Children with Disabilities
- Humboldt Unified School District | The Humboldt Unified School District provides kinship resources for HUSD kinship families related to school information, clothing, and community resources. The Family Resource Specialist can be reached at 928-759-5104 or visit their website.
- Prescott Unified School District (PUSD)
- PUSD IT Helpdesk (Issues with PUSD-supplied technology) email remoteITsupport@prescottschools.com
- Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District
- Mandated Reporter Training | Available through Yavapai Family Advocacy Center. Visit their website.
- Love and Logic | Join the Insider’s E-mail Club for weekly free tips on strengthening your relationships with the kids in your life. Visit their website.
- Educator Making a Difference for Students – Adoption, Foster Care and Kinship Care in the School Setting
- Through Your Child’s Eyes Tool | Unique simulations and videos to better understand your child’s special needs. Visit their website.
- Understanding Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
- Arizona Grandparent Ambassadors | We are a statewide support and legislative advocacy network of, by and for grandparents raising grandchildren and non-parent caregivers raising children. Visit their website.
- Prescott Valley Public Library | Partnering with SilverKite Community Art to offer free online art classes for the families in the Prescott Valley area. Visit their website.
- Contact the School Foster Care Liaisons for help navigating the education system.
- Child Care Resource & Referral
- Resources To Teach Kids Critical Mental Health and Coping Skills
- Parents’ Ultimate Guide to Google Classroom
- Parents’ Need to Know: by age, topic, and social media guides
- Education Tech Tools: Loom | Khan Academy | PowerSchool | Google Classroom
- Online Safety-Real Friends Don’t: Find out how to begin a conversation with kids you care for.